Green Ape CBD Gummies You want proven, scientifically sound tools that will do more than enhance your natural assets, but will enable you to achieve rock hard erections that are battle ready, willing and more than capable of taking you and your partner to new heights of ecstasy. The reason why men, especially those who are sexually active, need zinc is because this particular element needs to be re-stocked due to the fact that for every ejaculation, a man can lose up to five milligrams of zinc in his body system. Purden, Kelly "The Perfect Food For Natural Green Ape CBD Gummies." The Perfect Food For Natural Green Ape CBD Gummies. In addition to the treatment of ED, the VXL also promises to raise the level of sexual abilities and overall wellbeing. Every sexual problem is manageable, including this one and VXL promises to help you manage this issue easily. Erectile dysfunction acts as the most prevalent sexual dysfunction, but it is still a major source of misconception.