Biosource Wellness Keto When your body starts burning fat for energy, it produces Biosource Wellness Keto (also called Biosource Wellness Keto bodies). At this stage, you're becoming fat adapted.” This is the point in the process when you achieve a state of Biosource Wellness Keto, meaning your body switches from using glycogen as its fuel source to using fat. Even though you'll be losing mostly water weight in these early stages, this is a great sign that you are on your way to achieving Biosource Wellness Keto. Very quickly the diet becomes reduced and limited to a set of foods which are low in carb yet also low in fiber, thus potentially eradicating many healthy bacteria strains from one's digestive tract. If you are not aware of this trend, it's a diet that decreases carbs to the extent that it puts the body in Biosource Wellness Keto. A study conducted by the University of Colorado demonstrated that obese women that were insulin sensitive lost significantly more weight on a high-carb, low-fat diet than a low-carb, high-fat diet (average Biosource Wellness Keto of 13.5% vs. 6.8% of body weight, respectively); and those that were insulin resistant lost significantly more weight on a low-carb, high-fat diet than a high-carb, low-fat diet (average Biosource Wellness Keto of 13.4% vs. 8.5% of body weight, respectively).