You will find that HD lace wigs are always a hot commodity and also the hottest in the wigs market now. No matter you are new customers or regular customers, all of them like these HD lace wigs. Why HD lace wigs are popular? Why choose HD lace wigs? Today I will tell you the reason.
The lace types of HD lace wigs in our store include HD 13x4 lace frontal wigs, HD 13x6 lace frontal wigs, HD 5x5 Lace Closure Wigs, HD 6x6 Lace Closure Wigs. The hair textures of hd lace frontal wig include water wave, body wave, straight, loose deep, deep wave, curly. If you want other hair textures, you can contact send messages to us, we also offer customized services.
HD means “High Definition”, because HD laces are ultra-thin, ultra-light, ultra-soft, and high definition laces. Everyone will feel comfortable and breathable after wearing them. The thinness and lightness of 613 full lace wig can make the hairlines more natural, more real, and highly undetectable. HD is the abbreviation of high definition. People apply it to human hair wigs to make the lace part invisible and undetectable when applied to the scalp. It is a lace material that used to be called Swiss lace. It can along the hairline, people hardly can notice it after wearing HD lace wigs.
The lace color of HD lace wigs is more transparent than regular transparent laces. So HD number 27 hair color can melt into scalps perfectly, and also can match all skin colors. People no need to do lace tinting. Many customers have been facilitated by HD lace wigs.
Believe everyone has had a basic acquaintance with HD lace wigs according to the above information. Then I will start to introduce some typical HD lace wigs in Yolissa Hair.
Because this HD 13x6 lace frontal wig has the biggest lace area of all lace types. An HD 13x6 lace frontal wig will be lighter and more breathable than other HD lace wigs. And it also will make your wigs look more real and natural.
HD 5x5 lace closure wigs and HD 6x6 lace closure wigs are similar. They are both different from HD lace frontal wigs. The HD lace areas of these two HD lace closure wigs are both smaller than the above 13x6 HD lace frontal wigs. And 6x6 HD lace closures are a little bigger than 5x5 HD lace closures.
The main advantages of these two HD lace closure wigs are easier installations and cheaper prices. As the width of a lace closure is not as wide as the lace frontal. You can install a lace closure wig directly, even no need to use glue to secure it.
It is more convenient than installing a lace frontal wig. Besides, lace closure wigs have smaller lace areas, so the prices of HD lace frontal wigs will also be more competitive and affordable.