Green Vibe Forskolin If there were a formula that is good for everyone, probably no more overweight or obese people would exist ; unfortunately, this is not the case today. There is however a consideration to be made: the enormous availability of food in recent years, combined with the proliferation of fast foods and packaged foods, have made us unable to really understand the taste of food and to recognize our natural sense of satiety, getting used to more and more tasty foods, with ever larger portions. How many people, eating a raw carrot, are really able to recognize it as sweet? How many people really stop eating when they are satisfied, and not when they are full? These are characteristics that still exist today, mainly in young children: for this reason, for example, it is suggested to limit water during meals during weaning, to prevent the child from filling up too quickly and not taking enough nutrients . Unfortunately, today many parents are not able to respect the satiety of their children, and force them to finish everything that is on their plate, even when the children are actually already full : it is a bad habit, which creates obese adults or those with eating disorders and who certainly does not solve the food problems of the third world (see L & # 8217; illusory wisdom of the crowds , The cult of ignorance ). The best way, therefore, is not to completely empty the dish: it is filling it less. Many diets but only one winner: the Carb Lover's diet. How many diets are advertised each day? Lots of them, but one of them stands out for its qualities: the Carb Lover's diet . It is really difficult to choose the right diet, the perfect one for our body, able to guarantee good results, without damaging it. The list, now containing a myriad of names, some really bizarre, is really long and reading it creates no small confusion. The one that makes us lose 10 kg in a month or the one that completely eliminates carbohydrates? No, you don't choose based on the diet that promises the most, but based on what our doctor, the trusted nutritionist, recommends. A recent study, conducted by Altroconsumo , compared more than 20 diets and among all, only one passed the final exam with full marks, the Carb Lover’s diet .