dxn code strike to the individual. The vasectomy reversal is kind of obvious. If a man has had a vasectomy, then I can put him back together and initiate a pregnancy through spontaneous conception, and then lastly, if a man has a blockage anywhere along that spermatic tract, but usually higher up, closer to the prostate or the ejaculatory duct, then there's a role for me to go in and fix him surgically, and that can be very satisfying, a rewarding procedure if that couple would benefit from it. All right, so a couple of questions that come up all the time in my clinic, and then we're gonna open it up to the web, to Facebook and Twitter, for questions as well, and I'll answer anything there. "How long does it take to make a sperm?" And the reason that's important is because whatever I do in my office, if I give you a prescription to take something to help modulate your hormones, if I'm operating on you in hopes of improving your sperm pr